Wednesday 9 October 2013

Habermas - The Public Sphere Theory

In 1981 Habermas published The Theory of Communicative Action, in which he develops on the concept of an ideal speech situation and accompanying ethics of discourse. The theory of communicative action was applied by Habermas to politics and law, advocating a "deliberative democracy" in which governmental institutions and laws would be open to free reflection and discussion by the public. A key obstacle to the institution of this forum of open policy making is the legitimacy of private property, as it divides interests and makes unequal the situations of individuals. Habermas believes that within his form of democracy, men and women aware of their interest in self-governance and responsibility would seek to adhere only to the most rational argument.

This is where he came up with the Public Sphere Theory. He defines the public sphere as the sphere of private people who join together to form a 'public'. Habermas argues that the self-interpretation of the public sphere took shape in the concept of 'public opinion'. Jurgen Habermas concept of the public sphere is a realm within social life in which os accessible to all. The engagement within the public sphere according to Habermas is blind to class positions and the connections between activists in the public sphere are formed through a mutual will to take part in matters that have a general interest. The public sphere, according to Habermas, is a product of democracy.

A public sphere began to emerhe in the 18th centurey through the growth of coffee houses, literart and other societies, voluntary associations and the growth of the press. The success of the public sphere depends upon: 
  1. the extents of access 
  2. The degree of autonomy
  3. the rejection of hierarchy
  4. the rule of law
  5. the quality of participation. (Rutherford 18)
Public and Private:
The private and public spheres are featured as dual environments of a common lifeworld which are symbolically reproduced through everyday communication for the purposes of cultural reproduction, social integration and socialisation.

In my opinion the best way to emerge with public sphere would be social-media by using networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter. With regards to my own product, as I am aware of how effective these media platforms are I will create these pages in order to reach my audience.

1 comment:

  1. Good. You need to develop the section about how this relates to your own work in more detail. 8/10
