Wednesday 13 November 2013

Critical Perspectives: Themes

Need to consider academic debates; media in social and cultural contexts.
Demonstrate a personal position on the issues.
Must focus on these three areas:

Synoptic Link.
A range of examples of how your AS studies offer you important 'scaffolding; for A2 will be provided. My AS production work will have included a main task and this was either produced intentionally or accidentally. This relates to Media and Collective identity.
In critically reflecting on production work and evaluating outcomes, I will discuss myself as a producer and a consumers. When we use technology to reach audiences without needing support of media industries this is called We Media.

The focus is in how people, in cultural contexts, use the media at the end of the first decade of the twenty-first century.
Media is a popular culture- the media that ordinary people access in large numbers.

Postmodern media theory 
analyse Big Brother for this theme, but also explore the extent to which reality TV a 'fetishised hyperreality' in which simulation has defeated any notion of the objective 'real'

Strinati - Postmodernism is said to describe the mergence of social order in which importance and power of the mass media and a popular culture means that they govern and shape all forms of social relationships. The idea is that popular cultural signs and media images increasingly dominate our sense of reality and the way we define ourselves and the world around us. It tries to comes to terms with, and understand a media-saturated society. 
Society has become subsumed with the mass media. It is no longer even a question of distortion, since the term implies that there is a reality, outside the surface simulation of the media, which can be distorted, and this is precisely what is at issue according to postmodern theory. 

Toby Miller- By looking at how culture is used and transformed by social groups, cultural studies sees people not simply as consumers but as potential producers of new social values and cultural languages.

Jenks describes four definition of culture:
As a state of mind (aspiration)
As a collective pursuit of civilisation (part of progress)
As artistic and intellectual activity
As a social category- the things that people do, our ways of life.

Social groups- defines a group of people through their characteristics, interest etc.

Social values- impact of technology development in society. Distinct media institutions?
We Media- citizen journalism.
Implications of Long Tail distribution.
Web 2.0.

WE, THE MEDIA - Dan Gilmor book

Mind may of how all the critical perspective themes connect

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